PFHT Health Clinic

Make an appointment with this clinic if you require non-emergency care and do not have a family doctor or nurse practitioner.

Extended Hours Service

Patients connected with our family doctors have access to same day, urgent care appointments if they are unable to see their health care provider.

Need a family doctor?

Visit Health Care Connect to join the provincial program for a primary healthcare provider.


Join our progressive primary health care team to provide care to the Peterborough community

Programs and Workshops

Join an upcoming program or workshops to support your health and well-being.

Community Newsletter

Primary Care Connection

Stay current on primary heath care news, meet your interprofessional healthcare providers, learn about health tips to support your well-being, and more!


Learn about our Patient and Family Advisory Council.

Patient experience survey

Tell us how we're doing

Please take our patient survey.

How would you like to tell us about your patient experience?

The Brief Patient Survey

The Extended Patient Survey

Tell us about your healthcare journey or experience!

At some point, everyone will enter the healthcare system. Some people will be lucky enough to have a primary care provider – such as a family doctor or nurse practitioner – along for their journey, while others must navigate the system's complexity independently.

Why tell your story?

There are many reasons to share your healthcare journey. For example, your story may help others in similar situations who struggle to navigate to appropriate resources for care and support. If your journey has been a struggle, this needs to be known by policymakers who may not fully understand what is happening at the ground level.

We also love to hear of the good experiences, especially when it involves your primary care team.

Our Land Acknowledgement

Williams Treaty

We respectfully acknowledge that we are on the traditional territory covered by the Williams Treaty of 1923 and Rice Lake Treaty #20 of 1818.


The Williams Treaty was signed in 1923 and to this day is said to be one of the worst Treaties to exist. This Treaty, like many others, was written according to what had suited the colonizers’ desires best. The Chiefs negotiating on behalf of the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg peoples were clear about their needs; protection of hunting and fishing rights and access to traditional food harvesting. The communities were bearing the brunt of settlers taking over their territory and with the treaty, were adamant about food security for their people. Nonetheless, the colonizers utterly disregarded this and placed limitations on hunting and fishing rights and access to traditional foods as a whole.

The Nishnaabeg peoples were banned from hunting for game meat such as deer despite the significant role it played in the diet of the peoples. Further, provincial statutes prohibited fishing from October 15th to July 1st of every year. These rules severely impacted the Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg peoples as they were then forced to strategically hunt and fish without getting caught by the Game Wardens and, if they were unable to hunt and fish, spend a grand deal of money on western food.

The Williams Treaty worked to starve the Nishnaabeg peoples, on top of restricting their language and expression of their beliefs and culture, and forced them into abiding by Western lifestyles. To this day, the Williams Treaty still impacts the Nishnaabeg peoples and produces conflict regarding food sources and Indigenous rights.