Peterborough is home to many non-profit organizations that support the physical, mental and social well-being of our community.
Available Resources
Apps for Mental Health Support
- MindShift – CBT App from Anxiety Canada
- Headspace – Mindfulness and Sleep Support
- Insight Timer – Guided Meditation for Sleep and Anxiety
- Calm – Meditation and Sleep
- iChill- Supports from the Trauma Resource Institute
Community Counselling & Resource Centre
Providing professional, caring services that make a positive and lasting difference in people's lives within the community.
- Website: https://www.ccrc-ptbo.com/
Community Living Peterborough
Providing a wide range of services to people living with a developmental disability and their families so that they may enjoy meaningful lives through connection, contribution, and choice.
- Website: www.communitylivingpeterborough.ca/
Dental Care for Low-Income Seniors
Learn how to access free, routine dental care for eligible seniors 65 years or older, through the Ontario Seniors Dental Care Program. The program is designed to support low-income seniors.
Five Counties
Helping children with physical, communication, and developmental problems. This can include adolescents and their families.
- Website: http://www.fivecounties.on.ca/
Indigenous Services
For a list of Local and provincial services, see PFHT Indigenous Resources. Download
Mental Health Resources
- 9-8-8 Suicide and Emotional Distress Helpline
- Talk Now (click here for website): 705-876-5826
- Bounce Back (bouncebackontario.ca)
- Ontario Shores Adult Structured Psychotherapy/CBT (ontarioshores.ca)
Nutrition Resources/ Food Support
Peterborough 360 Degree Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic
Offering a wide variety of client focused, high quality health and community support services providing accessible primary health care to families and individuals of all ages within Peterborough city and county who are not attached to a family doctor.
Peterborough Athletic Concussion Awareness
Peterborough Child & Family Centres
A registered, charitable, non-profit organization that provides information and support to expectant parents, families with young children and childcare providers living in the County and City of Peterborough.
- Website: http://ptbocfc.ca/
Peterborough Public Health
Peterborough Youth Services
For those ages 10 - 18. Call 705-743-1681
Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic (RAAM)
For drug and alcohol withdrawal issues. 705-749-9708
Shared Humanity
Facilitating empathy and understanding between healthcare providers and the young people they serve.
- Website: http://www.sharedhumanity.ca/
Telecare Distress Centre of Peterborough
This is a free, anonymous and strictly confidential 24-hour call line for people in need of a friendly person who will listen. They give callers the renewed courage they need to cope with life’s many hardships.
- Call today: 705-745-2273
- Website: telecarepeterborough.org/
YES Shelter
Helping youth and families in Peterborough lead full and positive lives by providing shelter, education and transitional supports
- Website: http://yesshelter.ca/
Initiatives to Support Our Community
Community Health Centre
Community Health Centres provide primary health care to individuals, families and communities. They focus on addressing the social determinants of health and are committed to health equity and social justice, including a commitment to Indigenous Health in Indigenous Hands.
Learn more about the efforts our community is making to bring a Community Health Centre to Peterborough Area by visiting ptbochc.ca
Health Resources
From the Canadian Pharmacy Association: